
Golden Empire Volunteers Needed Friday

The elementary school needs volunteers for its spring carnival.

's spring carnival is coming up on Friday, but the event isn't yet fully staffed.

The Rosemont school was still looking for 40 more volunteers for the carnival as of Tuesday night, according to a post on its parent-teacher organization Facebook page.

Volunteers are needed between 3:30 p.m. and 9 p.m., and will help run the carnival games.

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The PTO's full Facebook post is below:

Hello Golden Empire families,

This Friday, May 11, Golden Empire will host its Annual Spring Carnival. This is a fun event for the whole family with fun games, bounce houses, face painting and delicious food from Dos Coyotes. 

This event will not be possible without the support of all of our families. This is our problem. We are still in need of 40 volunteers to make the Carnival a success. Without volunteers, the games and booths will not open. We need volunteers anytime between 3:30 and 9pm on Friday. If you can help and keep our carnival games going, send a note to school with child with your contact information.

We still need donations of 2-liter sodas, canned sodas, bottled water, juice pouches and baked good for the Cake Walk. Please bring your items to school by Thursday morning, May 10. 

Meal and carnival tickets are currently available for pre-sale after school through Thursday. Tickets will also be available at the event. 

With your help, this will be a great family event full of fun games, prizes and good food! 

Thank you!
Jenn Wilson, PTO Special Events Coordinator

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